For the foreseeable future, the club will operate on our regular schedule.  We will be monitoring this daily.  If circumstances warrant further action, we will take that action.  Please make your decision to attend or not based on your own level of comfort.

We are following the CDC guidelines to clean all equipment, including poles, mats, and apparatuses in between sessions.

Everyone MUST wash their hands with soap and water when they come in and when they leave. We also have wipes for your use.

No handshakes, hugs, or high fives.

If you feel sick, stay home.

We have consulted our parents who work in the medical industry.  Their athletes are attending practice.  

Our schedule remains the same.  Please check the Calendar page of our website for practice sessions, as well as your inbox for the weekly email.

We will have meets on Friday March 20 and Friday March 27.  Results will be posted on Milesplit.  

Stay high, stay conditioned, keep your goals in place.  Use this time to reset, not regress.